The Birth of Nikko: My 100th Birth! // Oahu, Hawaii Birth Photographer

Back in February of 2021 I got to be at Nikko’s birth. He was the 100th baby I saw being born!!

It was a massive milestone for me as a birth photographer and birth worker.

His amazing mama labored quickly and intensely. When things got intense and it was close to being time to push, something felt off. She got out of the tub and went to her bed. It became obvious that baby needed to come out quickly and soon. So we all encouraged her to push.

When Nikko/s head came out, we found out why things felt off. His little arm was wrapped around his neck (see the photo below!). I had never seen a nuchal hand like that!

What an amazing and beautifully hard birth as my 100th birth! I am honored to do this work! I am honored to be the documenter of life changing events!